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Henan Delegation’s Visit to Luxembourg, Germany and Russia II: Pursue the Belt and Road Initiative with Mutual Collaboration and Benefit


First stop: Luxembourg


Around 17:30, July 9, 2018, Prime Minister Bettel and Henan delegation witnessed the signing of letter of intent to cooperate on the opening of intercontinental passenger route between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg.


A year ago, on June 14, 2017, during their meeting in Beijing, Prime Minister Bettel and President Xi Jinping reached an important consensus to build an “Aerial Silk Road” from Zhengzhou to Luxembourg. Thus, the cooperation between Henan and Luxembourg entered a new stage.


Guided by important instructions of President Xi, Henan delegation focused on improving the construction of "dual hub" of the aviation logistics in both Zhengzhou and Luxembourg, and promoting bilateral cooperation to expand to deeper and broader fields.


On July 10, the 2018 China (Henan) - Luxembourg “Aerial Silk Road” Economic and Trade Fair was held at the conference center of Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. Henan Airport Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Luxembourg International Airport concerning cooperation in freight business training, customs clearance and so on, and other agreements on the opening of more routes and flights and the expanding of freight scales with Cargolux Airlines International and Cargolux Italia, which would further deepen strategic cooperation.


“The ‘dual hub’ strategy of Zhengzhou and Luxembourg has been carried out in full swing, and these achievements through cooperation will strongly promote the close partnership between enterprises of the two places,” said Minister of Sustainable Development and Basic Industry of Luxembourg. He believed that the close cooperation between Luxembourg and Henan would play a leading role in China-Europe “Belt and Road” cooperation.


Second stop: Germany


Four years ago, on May 10, 2014, President Xi visited the Container Distribution Hub of Zhengzhou International Hub, hoping Henan to speed up the construction of the logistics hub connecting China and abroad, to radiate east, middle and west of China, and to make more contributions to the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.


Hamburg, known as the "Gateway of Germany to the World", is also the terminal of the Zhengzhou-Europe International Train. It hosted the 2018 China (Henan)- Germany (Hamburg) “Silk Road” Economic and Trade Fair On July 13, where Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Co., Ltd. (ZIH) and Metrans of Hamburg Harbor and Losistic AG (HHLA) reached a consensus on deepening cooperation in the construction of modern international logistics center and other aspects.


“Henan delegation’s visit this time has demonstrated the importance you have attached to our cooperation, and it boosts our confidence,” said Peter Kiss, president of Metrans. He believed that the bilateral cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative was of mutual benefit, and it would inject new momentum into the development Harbor of Hamburg.


The finance minister of Hamburg believed that boosted by continuous and sound development of bilateral relationship and by China's reform and opening-up, the cooperation between Hamburg and Henan would go increasingly deeper and more intensive.


At the China (Henan)-Germany High-level Political and Business Dialogue in Stuttgart, with the signing of a series of cooperation projects centering on the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, the cooperation between Henan and Germany has entered a new stage.


Third stop: Russia


Drozdenko, Governor of Leningrad Oblast, warmly welcomed Henan delegation in its capital St. Petersburg, hoping that Leningrad and Henan would closely cooperate with each other, give full play to their respective advantages and carry out cooperation in a wider field and at a higher level, just like the football players in the World Cup.


“China-Russia relationship is at its best in history, and has always been running at a high level. This year and next are witnessing the China-Russia Local Cooperation and Exchange Year, and the regional cooperation will also have broad prospects and a brilliant future,” said Li Hui, Chinese Ambassador to Russia, who attended the Henan-Russia business activities, speaking highly of Henan delegation’s active participation. He said that the activities had given Russian enterprises an opportunity to better understand the investment environment and development potential of Henan, to push two sides to complement each other through respective advantages and to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.


The Henan delegation's visit to Russia has actively promoted the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, which has brought more benefits to the all-round and multi-field cooperation between enterprises of both sides.


Fully implementing the spirit of President Xi’s important speech on deepening opening-up and with the arrangements of the 6th Plenary Session of 10th Provincial Party Committee, Henan delegation has made the concept and practice of opening-up, development and win-win cooperation deeply rooted in the fertile soil along the Belt and Road route.

河南代表团的“丝路”欧洲行,是一次深化开放、谋求发展的“合作之旅”,是一次促进交流、加快出彩的“共赢之旅”。(河南日报记者 朱殿勇 翻译 赵汉青 校对 刘红强)

Henan delegation’s visit to Europe was not only a “journey of cooperation” to deepen opening-up and seek common development, but also a “journey of mutual benefit” to promote exchanges and speed up the construction of wonderful Henan.


河南日报记者 朱殿勇





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