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  来自巴基斯坦的山东大学留学生Zahid Javid (扎希德)对此行印象深刻,特在活动结束后写下这篇文章,与大家分享这次难忘的“东游记”(山东之行)。


Shandong University and Sdchina.com starts an initiative for international students “Touch Shandong” to learn about the culture and to explore the Shandong. As one of those people who always love to travel and exploring culture, I was very much excited when I saw my name among those 100 international students who were selected for a tour to Zibo and Weifang.


The first place we visited in Zibo was Zhoucun Commercial Street. When we arrived at Zhoucun Street we were warmly welcomed by locals and with a heart touching traditional dance. My excitement was at its peak when our guide told us about “Silk Town” that it has acquired the reputation as “the world`s first village”. If you ever go to Zhoucun historical commercial street it will warmly welcome you with Qi culture.


Then we move towards our second visiting place in Zibo i.e. Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. It has the largest Chinese chemical synthetic preparation medicine base, with hundreds of thousands of tons chemical products and many chemical anti-corrosion equipment which plays a leading role in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry. It also has its distributors in my country (Karachi, Pakistan).

第二天早餐后, 我们乘车前往位于北部杨家埠文化大观园。这里都是中国古代的特色建筑和乡村庭院结构。徜徉其中,通过参观这些闻名世界的风筝和版画,我们体悟了潍坊悠久灿烂的文化。

Next day after eating breakfast in the Hotel we went to Yangjiabu Cultural Grand Garden which is located in the north part of the Shandong. It imitates the antique architecture, with country yard structure.Here we witnessed the Weifang long history and splendid cultures, such as the world-known Woodblock pictures and kites. Here we also visited the Kite Museum, Folk Court and wedding custom Museum.


The last place that we visit was the Vegetable Base in Shouguang.People who eat fruit and vegetables as part of their daily diet have a reduced risk of many chronic diseases. I am very impressed by visiting this place because they maintain this place very well. I am the son of a farmer and I belong to a village so this place attracts me very much as I grow up in an agricultural land.


At the end, I want to thanks to Shandong University and SdChina.com for arranging such a great tour I also want to thanks to all the teachers, management staff who manage it very well and also media staff who capture these memorable moments in their cameras.





留学生走进寿光“蔬菜大观园” 孟加拉小伙儿给大家当导游>>>

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