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纽约时报:MET GALA门票每张30000美元


  Met Gala是一场万众瞩目的盛宴,是一年中最重要的时尚之夜。但有很多背后的故事你可能不知道,MET GAL的门票价格是30000美元,如果你需要坐下用餐的话,那么需要275000美元;今年将有不到600人参与聚会;离开红毯的客人是不允许使用社交媒体的;当然,每一位要参加的客人都必须由安娜·温图尔曾亲自批准。(纽约时报)


  Met Gala tickets cost $30,000 apiece

  All eyes will be on the Met Gala, one of fashion‘s buzziest night’s of the year, on Monday。 Little-known facts about the event? The invite-only tickets cost $30,000 and tables are $275,000; fewer than 600 people will attend this year; social media posting is not allowed once guests get off the red carpet; and yes, Anna Wintour has to personally approve every guest who wishes to attend。 {The New York Times}

  来源:The New York Times

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